UPS: Uninteruptable my ass

posted by Jeff | Tuesday, May 20, 2008, 11:53 PM | comments: 1

I am not having a lot of luck with uninteruptable power supplies lately. With the power outage last month, I found how short they lasted. Now, the one that I had powering my router and cable modem started to power click on and off with no browning out or any other strange power condition. I figure that can't be good, so I yanked it out and put the stuff on a power strip. Sigh.

I know I get what I pay for, so maybe I just need to spend a little more on the next one.



May 21, 2008, 4:28 PM #

At work we had a UPS at each of our four Micros terminals up front, and then one on our back master computer. One by one they all started to turn off and on, it ended up killing our master computer in the back. Now if we have a power outage, the only way to cash people out is to make change out of the server's pockets, and use the old school knuckle busters for credit cards. I have lost all faith in UPS backups.

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