Weekend recap: Cancer, BooBuzz, global warming

posted by Jeff | Monday, October 23, 2006, 1:48 PM | comments: 2

I had an action-packed weekend. Many good times.

Friday night, Catherine and I went to see Michelle. A couple of weeks ago she had surgery to remove cancer from her kidney. They got it all, and felt pretty good about it. It was the most serious surgery she's had since they removed a tumor in her head when she was a teenager. She looks pretty good, much better than I expected. Getting around slow, and not able to sit up for long periods of time, but she seems to be in good spirits. We took her to Joe's Crab Shack (not impressed) and then watched Over The Hedge with her.

Saturday was BooBuzz. We had roughly a hundred people at the event, and the ERT on Dragster and Millennium Force was very "E" (almost not enough people!). Cath and I only rode The Force, but we had a blast. It got much more crowded later in the day, so we're glad we had the chance. Lunch was good, we recorded the CB Podcast, and I shot some video in the evening which I hope to cut tonight.

Sunday started out lazy, and Cath went back to Columbus to work in the afternoon. I watched The Day After Tomorrow, and I was surprised to see it was a pretty good disaster flick. Having Emmy Rossum in it didn't hurt either (from the movie version of Phantom of The Opera). The "science" is very loosely based on real climatology. The idea is that melting arctic glaciers dump fresh water into the North Atlantic which changes its composition and shuts down the "conveyor belt" that pulls warm water from the equator and send cold water back. This would hurt the temperature regulation and cause a huge freeze in the Northern Hemisphere. But instead of taking decades or a century, it happens in one week for Hollywood.



October 23, 2006, 7:47 PM #

People always laugh at me when I say that is a pretty good movie for its genre.


October 24, 2006, 12:38 AM #

I actually enjoyed that movie enough to watch it a couple times.

Again, thanks for setting up Boobuzz. People at work who saw the photos (Catherine was showing them around) wondered why I "never look that relaxed, young and happy at work". Duh!

Looks like I won't make closing weekend. Catherine can't make it and although I have no qualms about going solo (mostly because I don't stay solo for long), the cold weather along with predicted rain/snow will keep me away. I had such a good time this weekend I don't need another final day.

I think I'll curl up with a roaring fire, a warm comforter and 6 hours of figure skating.

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