I'm sitting here in my office when a car full of Bible thumpers, four of them, pulls into my driveway, parks, and disperses into the neighborhood. The two women, attractive as they might be, ring my door bell. I yell down from the window for them to get lost and get the hell out of my driveway.
Who do these idiots think they are? Did God issue them a parking pass for my driveway? You aren't going to "save" anybody by pissing them off. It just blows me away that people have the nerve to do this kind of thing in the name of their religion.
I've spent the better part of 30 years trying to figure out what my faith is all about. These arrogant jerks aren't going to win me over. I swear I should convert to Buddhism. When's the last time a pack of Buddhists went roaming around your neighborhood knocking on doors telling you you're going to hell if you don't convert to their way of thinking?
Actually, Jeff, depending on who they are, they probably don't believe in Hell if they came knocking at your door. It isn't about Arrogance, it is about beliefs. Thankfully, everyone in this country has a right to that, so I'd think next time someone knocked on your door with a positive message (they wouldn't tell you you're doing anything wrong), you could accept that.
Those people that knock on your door? They've probably done more to protect your freedom of speech than just about any body else ;).
I could ask the same. How can you say that someone is arrogant and going to tell you you're going to Hell when you didn't even give them a chance to talk? Isn't that just a bit of arrogance and presumption on your part?
No real point, just don't understand how people coming with a positive message equates Arrogance and 'You're going to Hell'. Besides, of the 2 religions that go door to door, only one believes in Hell. And I doubt you ran the Mormons off ;).
Not every Christian believes in Hell, especially Christians that Read the bible:
I do want to point out that I'm not attacking in any way, I just like to discuss religion, so no harm, no foul. And other than that, how do you know they were coming to either condemn you to Hell or Save you? They could have just been asking for money... ;) (or not. but I know they wouldn't have condemned you to Hell at the least).
Again, you're missing mine. Are you 100% sure they were coming to your door to tell you that what you believe is wrong? If you would read, ask, or research, you'd know that Jehovah's Witnesses don't do that.
They go door to door offering a free home bible study, to encourage people to read the bible if they choose to. Did you check the link? Here are 3 F.A.Q.s directly copied from there:
Why do you go from door to door?
Jesus told his followers to "make disciples of people of all the nations," and he set the example by "journeying from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God." The apostle Paul taught in public places, in the marketplace, and from house to house. We follow their example. Other religions have acknowledged the Christian obligation to preach in public places and from house to house, although this is often left to a limited group of missionaries or clergy to fulfill.—Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20; Luke 8:1; Acts 20:20.
Why do you continue to call on people who are not interested in your faith?
We do not force our message on others but recognize that people's circumstances change. They move. They may be too busy to listen one day but will gladly take the time another day. One member of a household may not be interested, but others may be. People may have new problems or situations to deal with, stimulating a spiritual interest that was not there before.
Do you believe you are the only ones to be saved?
No. Many millions who have lived in centuries past and who were not Jehovah's Witnesses will come back in a resurrection and have an opportunity for life. Many now living may yet take a stand for truth and righteousness before God's time of judgment, and they will gain salvation. Moreover, Jesus said that we should not be judging one another. Humans look at the outward appearance; God looks at the heart. He sees accurately and judges mercifully. God has committed judgment into Jesus' hands, not ours.—Matthew 7:1-5; John 5:22, 27.
There's the link to that F.A.Q.
So, from the very website, it says that the purpose of them coming by is not to tell you you believe wrong. A fundamental believe they have is that God created everyone with free will to choose how they want to believe.:)
Edit: typed in the headers to the FAQs it didn't keep.
Dude, you're rambling like Jeffrey R. Smith. I'm not reading your post because I don't care what your point is. It's not relevant to mine. Do you own a house in my town? Have you answered my door? 90% of the time these cats are exactly what I'm describing. The odds haven't changed.
And who the fuck parks in someone's driveway? Seriously!
Wow, Had you read the post, you'd realize that that was not me rambling, but posting the belief on their site. I respect your opinion, Jeff, even if you don't respect mine, but mine is relevant. Have you answered the Door and actually listened?
So they parked in your driveway. I wouldn't have, but jeez, Make sure you tell the UPS man not to next time he brings something by...
/me smacks forehead
You don't get it. I don't want to listen. I don't want to listen to you either. I believe what I believe, and I'm not interested in what these people have to say. Religion is a deeply personal and spiritual thing for most people. It took me a long time to arrive at the place I am, and that's a deeply personal journey I had to make. Someone flashing a smile and a book in my face isn't going to change that.