Why do we sometimes hate beautiful people?

posted by Jeff | Friday, September 7, 2007, 5:38 PM | comments: 1

My last post just got me thinking. Why do we sometimes hate beautiful people? I admit, the Barbie look isn't really my thing, but unless I was gay I probably couldn't write that girl off as completely unattractive. I also find myself making remarks about random attractive people in public and on TV.

I gotta say, I don't like myself very much now that I think about it. Sure, it can be argued that attractive people get more with less work, but should they be penalized for it? I would say no. I guess now that I see myself doing it, perhaps I need to adjust my own attitude.


Skydiving Jeff

September 9, 2007, 3:57 AM #

Wow, that girl was completely unattractive.

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