Why should I be expecting adversity?

posted by Jeff | Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 11:21 PM | comments: 0

Do you ever get the feeling that something not good is just bound to happen because things are generally pretty good? I think we've been feeling that way pretty much since we found out we were moving out here. I'm not exactly sure what causes that feeling. I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that nothing has been easy for me for the last five years. If my professional life was good, my personal life was bad, and reverse. Now they're both pretty good, even with the house nonsense. And of course there's also something about having a baby that changes your perspective on everything.

Today I learned about some uncomfortable issues we'll have to deal with, but these will pass. I think from here on out, we're going to work hard to learn to accept that life is pretty good, and fearing the good life is hardly a way to live.


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